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High Holiday Seats

As the Yomim Noraim approach, the Shul will begin our annual High Holiday seat sale.  Once again, the entire process will be conducted online via this Shulcloud.




We will once again be having THREE separate services for the Yomim Noraim: See below for details on times, locations, and pricing. 

The following (as in previous years) is required of all members prior to seat reservation:

  • Shul accounts must be in good standing. All past due obligations (other than building fund obligations or pledges) must be paid in full by September 1st (with the exception of those current on a previously agreed arrangement). Emails were sent out on August 19th to members who need to bring their accounts into good standing. You can view your current obligations by accessing the "ACCOUNT" section of the website.  Please let know if your balance is incorrect.

  • Half of 2019-2020 membership or supporter obligations must be paid for at the time reservations are made.  See below for those paying with disbursements from donor advised funds*.

  • Seat reservation will be done only via ShulCloud which (for those traveling) is easily accessible on a smartphone or tablet.  The seating and finance committees will not be able to register for you.  We appreciate your understanding.  

As always, if circumstances do not permit you to either pay your past-due obligations or your Yom Tov seats please contact our Presidents (  As always, ECDP will strive to accommodate anyone who wishes to be a part of the congregation or attend services and under no circumstances will the inability to pay prevent anyone from davening with us.

*For those paying dues and/or seats with a disbursement from a donor advised fund, please arrange for any such payment to be made now and send a screenshot or other  proof of disbursement to as soon as practical.  Only those who pre-clear their donor-advised contribution in lieu of payment in advance of registration will be able to  purchase seats online  

Time and location of services

There will be a Hashkama Minyan in the ECDP Schneider Beit Medrash beginning at 7:00 am on Rosh Hashanah and 7:30 am on Yom Kippur. The Main Sanctuary Minyan and the Annex Minyan (located in the lower level at Cong. Shaaray Shalom (“the JCC”)) will begin services at 8:00 am on Rosh Hashanah and 8:30 am on Yom Kippur. All minyanim are open to both men and women. The three Minyanim will be in effect for Shacharit/Musaf on each day of Rosh Hashana and for all the tefilot of Yom Kippur.

Seat prices, for all minyanim are as follows:

Members $85
Guests of Members $115
Supporters $150
Non-Members $175

Seats for Rosh Hashana only or Yom Kippur only will be sold at 75% of the prices shown above.

As a reminder, Membership Dues* (which will be billed through the seating form) are as follows:
Family Membership $1,280
Single Membership $640
Supporter $710

*Note that at least half of annual membership dues are due at the time of seat purchase for the Yamim Noraim.

We look forward to spending the Yamim Noraim with you and your family. Best wishes for a Ktiva v'Chatima Tova!

The Officers of ECDP

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785